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Ми хочемо, щоб усі українські біженці могли правильно вивчити німецьку мову. Тому наш курс української/німецької мови безкоштовний для всіх.

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Illustration of a smiling German tutor.
19,99 € / 60 хвилин

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Індивідуальний онлайн-урок, щоб відповісти на запитання або потренувати свої мовленнєві навички

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Frequently asked questions


Why are the self-learning course and the lessons offered separately?

We offer these two services separately, as each learner gets to decide how they want to learn and how much money they want to spend. You manage very well on your own and only want the help of a German tutor now and then? No problem. You simply learn better and faster and are also more motivated with regular lessons? No problem at all, the decision is yours! That's how we stay amazing and affordable.

What is a German Tutor?

Our tutors are native speakers and work with materials that perfectly match the self-study course. They have the experience to help you and answer your questions. You can either ask your tutor specific questions that have arisen during the self-study course, or you can do the whole German course together, so that the self-study course serves as an additional source of vocabulary, explanations and exercises.

Why should you hire a German tutor?

Let's assume that you have problems with a certain subject, and since you are studying German, this will definitely happen at some point, then a tutor can help you. He can answer your questions and you can do in-depth exercises on the topics you want to work on. The exercises match the Self-Study Course, so you can also use the vocabulary you learned there.
You can also book a tutor to do a structured German course that complements the Self-Study Course and gives you the opportunity to do more exercises and ask questions whenever you want. Another reason is that you can only learn a language effectively if you speak it. A tutor can not only help you with this, but you can also work on your pronunciation together.

Can I also book a course instead of individual lessons?

Yes, that is not a problem. On average, our students need 15 lessons per course (e.g., A1). Accordingly, you would purchase a package of 15 lessons, after which you can book your individual lessons flexibly. One course costs 270€, so you save 10% compared to booking each lesson individually.

On which platform will the lessons take place?

Normally we use Skype. If you don't have Skype, that's no problem. Then you can just take a look at your teacher's profile, there you will find a link you can click on at the time of the lesson to get to our virtual classroom, without any registration. It's that easy.

How can I book a lesson?

Booking a lesson is very easy. First you can choose a teacher, day and time. Then enter all the necessary information and that's it! You can also book more lessons at once. If you have a coupon or voucher, you can enter it at the end just before paying. You can find a more detailed description here in the video!